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1. This is my friend. _____________ name is Peter.


2. I ________________ from France.


3. Mike is ______________.

  my sister friend’s
  friend from my sister
  friend my sister
  my sister’s friend

4. My brother is ______________ artist.


5. _______________ 20 desks in the classroom.

  There are
  They are
  There is
  This is

6. Paul ________________ romantic films.

  isn’t likes
  doesn’t like
  don’t like
  likes not

7. Sorry, I can’t talk. I _____________ right now.

  â€˜m driving

8. She _________________ at school last week.

  isn’t likes
  didn't be

9. I _________________ the film last night.


10. __________________ a piece of cake? No, thank you.

  Are you like
  Want you
  Would you like
  Do you like

11. The car park is _________________ to the restaurant.

  in front

12. The living room is ___________________ than the bedroom.

  more bigger
  more big

13. The car is very old. We’re going ____________________ a new car soon.

  to will buy
  to buy

14. Jane is a vegetarian. She ____________________ meat.

  usually eats
  often eats
  never eats
  sometimes eats

15. There aren’t ________________ buses late in the evening.


16. Sue ________________ shopping every day.

  is going

17. They _________________ in the park when it started to rain heavily.

  are walking
  were walk
  were walking

18. ________________ seen fireworks before?

  Do you ever
  Have you ever
  Are you ever
  Did you ever

19. We’ve been friends ____________________ many years.


20. Jeff was ill last week and he _________________ go out.


21. He doesn’t smoke now, but he __________________ a lot when he was young.

  was smoked
  used to smoke
  has smoked

22. Mark plays football ___________________ anyone else I know.

  better than
  best than
  as better as
  more good than

23. We’ll stay at home if it _______________ this afternoon.

  will rain

24. These are the photos ________________ I took on holiday.


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