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Educational hub opened in Timisoara

First time in Timisoara: Minds Hub, the first educational hub from Romania, has opened its gates​. With an investment of almost 85.000 euro, a group of students from Timisoara, with the support of the West ...

Smallest… Largest…

Foreign languages never cease to amaze me. I found out that the smallest alphabet is Rotokas: 11-12 letters. You haven’t heard about this language? Hmmm… Let me tell you more. It is spoken by people in Bougainville. ...

10 Tricks to Appear Smart During Meetings

Like everyone, appearing smart during meetings is my top priority. Sometimes this can be difficult if you start daydreaming about your next vacation, your next nap, or bacon. When this happens, it’s good to have ...

Cel mai bine platite limbi straine din call-centers

Topul celor mai bine plătite limbi straine din call centerele din România. Ce trebuie să vorbeÅŸti pentru un salariu net de 4.000 de lei pe lună
Cei care cunosc limbi „exotice” pot câÅŸtiga salarii ...

Cel mai folosit cuvant in 2013

Limba engleza are 1,025,109 de cuvinte, dar cei 1,83 de miliarde de oameni de pe glob care cunosc engleza folosesc pe Internet cel mai des cuvantul "404". "Politica toxica" este sintagma cea mai uzitata, iar "Papa ...

Change a negative to a positive

Just by changing the words you use. How often do you think about the meanings of the words that you use every day? Like most people, do you just utter the words that seem to flow naturally from your mouth? Some of ...

Avantaj la angajare

CunoaÅŸterea unei limbi străine creÅŸte ÅŸansele unui candidat la angajare, în contextul în care multe dintre companiile din România au parteneri sau clienÅ£i străini. În plus, nu trebuie ignorat ...


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Ages of Love - Audiobook Launch

Culture and spirituality only is a remedy for vulgarity. "Ages Of Love" is a book full of sleeplessness and joys, long-awaited by readers of the essayist Mihail Neamtu about whom Andrei ...

The pursued King

The exhibition "The Pursued King. Michael I of Romania in the Files of the State Security Services. ConstanÅ£a: Open Education and the National Council for the Study of The ...

The Cenafer project

The closing conference on the project "Flexibility and Adaptability in the Railway Transportation" (POSDRU financing) organized for CENAFER - The National Qualification and Training Center - took place at the ...

Train the Trainers

Open Education organizes regular 'Train the Trainers' sessions. The course is planned in one weekend session (3 days), created especially for people who want to improve their competence despite the busy working ...




Professional testing of new employees in order to determine the knowledge level of the English language.

Advantages of using the language audit:

  • professional testing of the knowledge and linguistic competence of a foreign language
  • time savings for your company - the results shall be transmitted within 2 days


Anytime you need, make use of our language audit services to:

  • include the employee in a language training program
  • assess the linguistic competence of the employee / future employee for a specific job or a training program


The tests are created in accordance with international standards and comply with their demands.




"2014 has represented the beginning of a strategic partnership between Genpact and Open Education®.

Open Education has demonstrated professionalism and timeliness during our collaboration for the two programs implemented together: language courses (German) and courses for the training of language evaluators (in accordance with the European standards of the Common European Framework).


The Open Education team is characterized by reliability, punctuality and customer orientation. We are sure that Open Education® shall prove the required abilities and involvement to bring an added value to your company."


Cristina Girdea, HR Project Manager